Sunday, March 6, 2011

Before They Were Stars . . .

They were in commercials. So this is the first in a little segment I call, "Before They Were Stars." So it's not the most original name but I'm sure you get the point. First up, a GIGA-star who blew some bubbles before he was "king of the world." Catch him if you can before he makes Gilbert Grape flavored bubble.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Insider's Commercial Tip

I'm gonna Marie Von Trap this blog and start at the very beginning. When you walk into a casting what's the first thing you do? Fill out your size card. (Well actually I would grab the sides but I'll talk about that in another post.) What's a size card? Well, nowadays it can be a bunch of different things. If you have been to the casting office before they most likely have you on file but if you have been there you will need to fill out a size card. It used to be these were all done with instant Polaroid cameras but no these are done digitally. They snap a picture of you and attach it to a card with all of your sizes. Everything from your height to your glove size. Here's an example:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Famous Commercial Kids

Of course, everyone knows Jesse Eisenberg from the Oscar-nominated film "The Social Network" but way before there was Facebook there was Jesse's sister the commercial MEGA-star --Hallie Eisenberg. She was THE Pepsi girl. Her commercials were everywhere and everyone knew who she was. I'm starting off with an hommage to Hallie since I think Brittany in "Commercial Break" had a very similar career.

Hallie, you paved the way the way. (And Aretha, you helped.)

Let the countdown begin!

This time next year,  the first book in "The Go-see Chronicles" will be in bookstores so on this important date I have decided to engage my good friend and fellow author Taylor Morris in a blog challenge. She'll be blogging about beauty and friendship for her new books "Hello Gorgeous!" and "BFF Breakup" and I will use this blog to write about things related to commercial castings and tweens. Here we go.